HKIHRMHKIHRM Survey Findings on Manpower StatisticsBy the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management • A drop in the full year turnover rate in 2020 demonstrates the workforce’s...
HKIHRMUpdates in Hong Kong Employment LawBy Hong Tran, Partner, Mayer Brown Jennifer Tam, Partner, Mayer Brown Since the outbreak of COVID-19 last year, dealing with workplace...
HKIHRMA Guide to Upskilling for Non-Tech ProfessionalsBy Tiffany Wong, Director, Robert Walters Hong Kong The world has changed since COVID-19 first erupted – businesses have acted quickly to...
HKIHRMWhat Businesses Need to Know About Data Privacy in Asia PayrollBy Links International Global data security concerns In recent years, data security has been headline news across the world. From...
HKIHRMCybersecurity in the Hybrid Workspace –Empowering the WorkforceBy Sharon Chu, Managing Director - Talent and Organisation / Human Potential Lead, Accenture Greater China Over the course of 2020, the...